funny Employee engagement memes

In the modern workplace, connecting with employees is essential for the success of any business. Memes have become increasingly popular and they can often serve as funny ways to speak about more serious topics. Therefore we wanted to look into some employee engagement memes in this article.

We have created an article on Company Culture Memes, that is also a very fun read.


We need more of employee engagement

employee engagement memes

Implementing a new value into the existing company culture can be confusing, both from employee and employer side. However, it is necessary and the communication of it all is what matters the most. Especially if the topic has the potential of bringing confusion.

This meme is a great example. The company hears it ‘’needs’’ to implement employee engagement. However, everybody ends up being confused. If the boss doesn’t know what he’s talking about, it is only expected to leave employees equally as confused or frustrated. 

Employee engagement surveys

Employee engagement surveys

Everybody has experienced the dreaded employee engagement survey. We all know the feeling of trying to answer the same corporate-sounding questions over and over again. Then wondering if our answers will ever make a difference. 

This meme shows it best of all and we understand. Completing the same surveys all the time can get very annoying. This leaves a space for companies to think of more creative ways to increase engagement. Maybe employee engagement surveys could be digital, in the forms of cartoons or other types of animation.

Supposedly engaged

bad engagement representation

This is another one of employee engagement memes where the boss is very unsure of the meaning and purpose of engagement. In the upper meme the main idea is that the boss isn’t committed to fully letting their employees engage. They are giving employees a chance however clearly mentioning it will not impact anything.

The meme on the bottom shows the other perspective, one from an employee. The bad representation of describing employee engagement leads to an angry employee. 

I participated

employee engagement memes

Another example of employee engagement memes is this one. It describes the feeling of accomplishing the bare minimum. Which, don’t get us wrong – is the right first step. And there is nothing wrong with taking a part in an engagement, even if it’s small steps at a time.

However, only participating isn’t always what will bring you to the best potential outcome. If your employee engagement isn’t real, you can’t expect the results to be real either.

Not the engagement surveys again

engagement surveys

A wonderful example of two perspectives on employee engagement surveys incoming. The engagement survey is truly the most talked about topic when it comes to anything that employees do not enjoy at their workspace.

While it is true that these surveys can be annoying and time-consuming for employees, they also provide invaluable insight into how employees feel about their job and work environment. So if these surveys have become a necessary evil for employers, there is not much we can do to change that. We would, however, call it the lesser evil. 🙂 

Seriously, the engagement surveys

employee engagement memes

And to mention it one more time, the engagement surveys are not going anywhere. It’s a great way to provide feedback to employers so they can improve the work environment for their employees. 

But the significance of completing an employee engagement survey goes far beyond that. It’s an opportunity to recognize and praise employees for their efforts and for the hard work they put in day in and day out. So the first step – complete your employee engagement survey and you’re a catch already!

We hope you enjoyed these employee engagement memes and had a good laugh while learning something new. 

We will see you in another meme compilation very soon!

About the author

I am a Girl, that wants to live a Simple Life, and I am in a search of the recipe for happiness.  I invite you to join me on this journey! It will be an exciting adventure in which we will look for the simplicity of life, joy in everyday things, and free time outside the usual hustle and bustle.