How to Use Brochure Stands for Internal Communication

The power of brochure stands extends beyond customer engagement. They also play a crucial role in fostering an engaging and informative internal environment. Internal communication is something every company should pay extra attention for. And why not use brochures for that?

In our previous article about the art of brochure design for translating company culture we talked about how to create great brochures. And besides using them for company culture in general, you can use them for internal communication. 

In this article however we will find out how brochure stands can enhance internal communication, strengthen company culture, and foster a sense of community within the workplace.

The value of internal communication

The key to a strong company culture lies in clear, continuous, and effective communication. That is something company leaders should always prioritize because only when employees are set with internal communication, can the company run smoothly.

Brochure stands placed around your office can act as constant reminders and points of reference for important company information.

Effective internal communication fosters a sense of unity, boosts morale, and keeps employees engaged and informed. And brochure display stands can act as communication centers, where employees can readily access information about company policies, updates, and achievements. 

For example, Google uses various internal communication tools, including physical brochure stands in their offices, to keep their employees updated.

Brochure Stands

Information sharing – what to include

Determining the type of information to include in your brochure stands is a strategic decision. The content should not only be informative and engaging but should also resonate with your team’s needs and interests. 

So here are a few ideas from us for the types of information you might want to share.

1. Company policies and updates

Company policies are a staple for brochure content. Including updates on work policies, guidelines, or changes in procedure. 

They keep employees informed and assure them that they are operating within the current rules and regulations.

2. Project updates

Keeping your teams informed about ongoing projects and their progress is an excellent way to foster transparency and a sense of involvement. 

Whether it’s a new product development, a marketing campaign, or an upcoming event, project updates provide insights into the company’s current activities.

3. Employee achievements and recognition

Highlighting individual or team accomplishments is a great way to foster a positive work environment. 

From an employee-of-the-month feature to acknowledgment of a team’s successful project completion, these achievements can inspire and motivate other team members.

4. Professional development opportunities

Information about training programs, seminars, webinars, or courses that employees can attend to further their skills can be valuable content for your brochure information display stands. 

This signals your investment in their career growth and encourages continuous learning.

5. Health and safety guidelines

Particularly relevant in today’s context, information about health and safety protocols, tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, or resources for mental health can be valuable additions. 

This shows your company’s concern for the wellbeing of its employees. Which is also very important.

6. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives

Including updates on your company’s CSR activities can instill a sense of pride and purpose among employees. 

Whether it’s a recent charity event or sustainability effort, such information underscores your company’s commitment to giving back to the community.

7. Company culture and values

Reinforce your company culture and values through engaging stories, quotes, or events that demonstrate these principles in action. 

This helps to keep your company’s ethos at the forefront of employees’ minds.

8. Upcoming events

Promote internal events like team-building activities, holiday parties, or departmental meetups through your brochure display stands. 

And this will surely over time build anticipation and encourage participation. Events are something employees tend to look forward to.

9. FAQs

Consider including a section that addresses common employee questions or concerns. This could range from IT support to HR policies, providing quick and accessible answers to your team.

By curating a rich and diverse range of content, your brochure stands can serve as dynamic and engaging communication hubs, keeping your teams informed, connected, and motivated.

Brochure display Stands

Frequency of updates – keep your content fresh

The frequency of updates to your brochure information display stands is an essential factor in keeping the information relevant and engaging. Regularly updated content shows your commitment to open communication.

Aim for a frequency that keeps content fresh but is manageable in terms of design and distribution. This could be monthly for most companies, but may be more frequent if there are rapid changes within the company. Regular updates also offer an opportunity to highlight recent achievements or events, keeping your team motivated and in-the-know.

Collaboration – make sure to involve various teams

Encouraging various teams within your company to contribute to the brochure content can foster a sense of involvement and ownership, while also ensuring a diverse range of content.

Different departments can provide updates on their projects, share insights from their field, or present team member highlights. 

This inclusive approach not only provides a variety of content but also promotes inter-department understanding and camaraderie. Many organizations, like Adobe, encourage cross-departmental collaboration for internal communication and knowledge sharing.

Celebrate recognition and engagement from your success

One powerful use of brochure stands in your company is to celebrate and recognize success. Recognizing employee achievements publicly is a great way to boost morale and engagement.

Consider dedicating a section of your brochure to celebrating team or individual achievements. From sales targets reached, successful project completions, to employee anniversaries, acknowledging these milestones can foster a positive company culture. 

Some of the most successful companies regularly celebrate and recognize their employees’ achievements as a part of their unique company culture.

In conclusion

All in all, bBrochure stands can play an integral role in enhancing your internal communication and company culture. Sharing valuable information, keeping content updated, encouraging collaboration, and celebrating success are all good pros. 

This way brochure stands can truly serve as engaging tools to keep employees informed and enthusiastic. 

Ultimately, these stands are more than just physical structures. They are more like pillars of communication that can build and reinforce your company’s culture, values, and unity.

About the author

I am a Girl, that wants to live a Simple Life, and I am in a search of the recipe for happiness.  I invite you to join me on this journey! It will be an exciting adventure in which we will look for the simplicity of life, joy in everyday things, and free time outside the usual hustle and bustle.