How to improve employee engagement

Employee engagement is the level of dedication and loyalty your employees have toward the company. A dedicated and engaged employee will be happy to wake up in the morning and go to work – it’s every employer’s dream. However the reality is different, therefore it is important to think of ways on how to improve employee engagement.

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their jobs. It means that only a small number of employees are fully committed to their job, are happy to participate and give it their all.

To understand more about engagement, read our article What is employee engagement first.

In this article find out what are the crucial steps to take on how to improve employee engagement. Here is our TOP list.

Allow thoughtful feedback

Employees rank communication as the second most critical talent a manager should possess, with delivering feedback coming in third. Feedback is a must for employees, and it affects how engaged they are. To enhance employee engagement, start by setting up check-ins for each employee with their manager. Then, encourage middle management to start frequent review meetings with their team.

While implementing a company-wide feedback schedule may seem appealing, keep in mind that each team is unique and that frequent meetings may feel forced to some. To engage employees in a meaningful way for them, managers should chat to their direct reports about how they want to get feedback.

Prioritize both physical and mental health 

Employees are more likely to be engaged at work when an organization makes an effort to improve their general wellbeing. An excellent strategy to raise employee engagement is to launch a company-wide wellness program. 

To promote healthy habits outside of the office, sponsor fitness sessions as business trips and think about providing fitness related classes, discounts etc.

Encourage staff to take mental health days when they need to walk away from the office and concentrate on themselves by providing meditation classes. Stock the kitchen with wholesome snacks as well so that workers have something to eat throughout the hectic workday.

how to improve employee engagement

Provide your employees with meaningful work

Employees who are actively participating in their work and who are aware of how their efforts support the company’s strategic goals are said to be engaged. For this reason, they must first be assigned to the appropriate position. 

Many people are making the error of employing excellent talent simply to get them in the door while failing to provide them with a clear career path or function. They will depart if such details aren’t resolved right away.

Offer learning opportunities

Establishing a progression path with learning opportunities will maintain employee engagement and assist you in retaining top personnel. 

Additionally, supporting your employees’ personal development, whether financially or otherwise, demonstrates that you value them beyond just their work. Employee motivation comes from knowing that the organization values their talents. The market will continue to change regardless of the sector you work in. And continuing your professional development is essential to staying current.

Similarly to offering your employees health and fitness related classes, the same can be done when it comes to employee professional development. Make sure your employees are up to date and trends by sending them to classes, conferences and so on.

Recognize achievements

The most motivated employees are typically the ones who go above and beyond in their work, making it easy to identify them. You should thank them for their efforts and express your appreciation to them.

Encourage managers to regularly give staff praise because it is a top priority for employees to receive feedback. Make use of your communication channels to encourage company-wide acknowledgments. Additionally, think about asking your HR division to put an incentive program in place.

In conclusion

Engaged employees are a huge part of every successful business out there. Therefore it is your job as a company owner and employer to make sure your employees are taken care of. The more satisfied are the employees, the better engagement scores your company will get.

About the author

I am a Girl, that wants to live a Simple Life, and I am in a search of the recipe for happiness.  I invite you to join me on this journey! It will be an exciting adventure in which we will look for the simplicity of life, joy in everyday things, and free time outside the usual hustle and bustle.