Internal communication explained 

Internal communication (IC) is all of the information about the business that is shared internally to help employees do their jobs well. 

The goal of internal communication is to provide an efficient flow of information among departments and coworkers inside an organization. This holds true for all levels of management and employees. It also works among staff members who are communicating with one another at work.

Internal communication is an important tool to master because it can increase employee engagement and nurture corporate culture. In this article let’s find out what internal communication is and why it’s important.

Types of internal communication

The ever-changing workforce demographics emphasize the necessity for various communication platforms. Every person has a benefit for internal communication, whether they work remotely or in the office, no matter what they do.

Information can be exchanged verbally or electronically using tools like the workplace intranet. An intranet’s attractiveness is that employees may use it from any location with an internet connection and that it is accessible around-the-clock.

But when we speak of the types of IC, those can be categorized in various ways.

There are 3 main internal communication channels:

  1. Verbal communication – refers to information communicated vocally.
  2. Paper –  a medium for communicating with graphics and posters.
  3. Electronic communication – the majority of written material these days.

There can be various types of daily internal communication:

  • Information that is disseminated by management includes strategies, business results, internal and external data, and other crucial general information.
  • Team – a group of coworkers who cooperate to accomplish a common objective.
  • Face to face – briefing people on tasks and circumstances in person.
  • Informal discussions amongst coworkers known as peer-to-peer.
  • Intranet, email, social media, messaging, video calls, and the phone are examples of resources.

Any organizational culture also has internal communication that is meant for the employees of the company. 

Internal communication

Reasons why Internal Communication is important

Here are the main reasons it is important to have good internal communication in any organization.

1. Increases productivity and employee engagement

Bring leaders, partners, and workers together to focus on internal tactics that increase employee engagement and productivity. Do so by starting the proper discussions within your organization. It should be encouraged for employees to submit their thoughts and comments. 

This increases their sense of value and attention, which encourages employee engagement. Employees that are actively involved in their work are motivated to put in more effort and produce higher-quality work.

Via internal communication tools, these discussions can be simply arranged. No need for protracted, time-consuming meetings.

2. Brings people together even under tough circumstances

Internal communication is an important resource in emergency situations. It helps in reducing stress and completing tasks more quickly and simply.

IC during a crisis also has the benefit of reducing rumors. Office rumors spread quickly, therefore it’s important for management to communicate clearly to avoid conflict. Due to how readily unfounded rumors can harm a company’s reputation, this can also affect external communication.

3. Encourages the flow of information

Internal communication also has the advantage of getting the right message to the right individuals. Due to modern technology, the majority of us connect throughout the day, especially at work. Many workers have access to a workplace intranet, which they can use whenever it’s convenient for them and stay informed of important communications.

Employee information overload is prevented by effective inner communication. It eliminates the need to send and read emails, messages, and comments for extended periods of time.

4. Helps build company culture

Internal communications’ main purpose is often to support the development of your corporate culture. Your IC strategy will, if executed properly, bring your corporate culture to life. If done incorrectly, it will leave your people dissatisfied.

Every type of communication, news update, CEO blog post, etc. influences how your employees see your organization’s cultural landscape. That is including what it stands for, who it values, and why its mission is important. 

A strong internal communication strategy takes into account the fact that your company culture is the sum of its parts.

5. Creates another dimension to your company

Many people think their work is monotonous. They show up for work, chat with a few coworkers, go to meetings, finish their tasks, and then go as quickly as they can. And for many others, that’s just fine. But that kind of work style is unsatisfying for people who want for greater engagement at work and want to have a more direct say in shaping its culture.

Here’s where effective internal communication comes into play. It advertises educational and public speaking opportunities, leadership development courses, offers client feedback and media attention, and presents chances for people to become more involved, if they so want. This may not matter to some individuals, and that’s okay! 

But some of us desire more from our jobs, whether it is through education or training, or by finding significance in the beliefs and objectives of our employers.

In conclusion

You now have a better understanding of both internal communication and the factors that make it so important for a productive, engaged workplace. 

It’s never too late to start today if your present internal communications strategy isn’t being applied in this way.

About the author

I am a Girl, that wants to live a Simple Life, and I am in a search of the recipe for happiness.  I invite you to join me on this journey! It will be an exciting adventure in which we will look for the simplicity of life, joy in everyday things, and free time outside the usual hustle and bustle.